Monday, May 10, 2010

Active cell

The Active cell is the cell that is in black, is the one in wich the person is working .

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Thumbnails reduced the size of pictures. Its used to help to organizing them.


Thesaurus is a collection of a list of words that have the same or similarity meaning .


Template that allow functions and classes to operate with generic types.


Superscript is a way that a text can look, or a text style. Superscript make the letters small.


Style is the way an inge, text, or shape look.

Sizing handles

Sizing handles are the small boxes that appear on the corners and edges of an image. the sizing handles let you change the size and shape of the image.


Header is a small amount of data placed at the beginning of a block or page .

Hard column break

Hard column break push text from one column to the next column to make two columns.


Graphics are visual presentations on some surface like canvas. graphics are use to inform, illustrate, or entertain. Some examples of Graphics are photographs, drawings, Line Art, graphs, diagrams, numbers, symbols, or other images. Graphics can combine text, illustration, and color.


Footnote is a note of text placed in the bottom of a page. The note can be in a book or document.


A footer is a piece of information that is separated from the main body of text and appears at the bottom of a printed page. a footer contain page number or other information in small letters .


An end note is a note or a piece of information that is place in the end of a document or text. end notes are use to remember thing in the text or to resume something.

Drawing objects

drawing objects is when you draw lines or shapes in a document . it is use when you need to draw an image, shape or simbol .

Drawing canvas

Drawing Canvas is an image editing or paint program. The canvas is the window in which the image is created or edited.

Desktop publishing

A desktop publishing is a system that allows you to use different typefaces, margins and justifications, directly into the text or document .


crop means to cut off sides of an image, to make it the size you want or to remove parts that you dont want .

Clip art

A Clip art is a image (electronic illustrations) that can be inserted into a document for ilustrate something.


A banner is a t rectangular advertisement placed on a Web site. it can be above, below or on the sides of the web site. The banner is linked to the another web site.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

What is a Colomn?

A colomn is a group of cells lining up ... we read coloms from top to bottom .

What is a row?

A row is a group of cells together making a line fron left to right.

what is a cell ?

A cell is a unit that intercept a colom and arow .

What is a table?

Table is a flat picture that contain rows and columns . it is use to organize data and information ...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

do now 3/24/10

do now : 110000 = 48
101011= 43
11111 = 31

111000= 56
11000000 = 192
1000000000 = 512

Monday, March 22, 2010

Tool Bar

A row or strip with option, clickable buttons or icons on a web browser, aplication or document which will activate when needed.

Title Bar

The title Bar is the top part of the windows that shows the name of the website, file name, and name of application thats being use.

Task Bar

Task Bar is A strip right next to the "start" button that shows what is happening with a task and show the names of the programs you are using.


A scrollbar helps you drawn up and down the side of the window.


Restore is To bring back to original state or the previus action .

pointing device

a pointing device is an input device such as a mouse, joystick, or trackball which it can manipulate a cursor on a GUI.


the minimize option is To reduce to smallest amount possible amount or degree.

menu bar.

A menu bar is a menu spread horizontally on top of every screen. The menu will show when the mouse is on the item.


a menu is a List of options available to a computer user.


the Maximize option is to increase or make greate a computer page and files.


an icon is a picture or an imege that represent a file or a program. the icon is for identefy your files , progras and work more easy.


Folder is a directory that collect computer files. a folder help you organize your files pictures, work etc.


A window is a display screen that shows information or digital data .

Thursday, March 18, 2010


a desktop is like a physical top of a desk. the windows desktop is where you put the thinks you are working on or whant to access. the desktop is the main screen in windows.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

how technology will help you in the future career?

Technology will help me in the future because, the future technology will be more advance. It will help in our lives in many ways. Also the technology will make our lives more easy. it will help me to get a job. i can buy or sell thing in the internet. i think that the communications will be better.

many people use technology, so the future everything will need technology.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

operating systems

An operating system is an interface or conection between hardware and user. the operating system is responsible for the management and coordination of activities of a computer. it helps to run the computing applications on the machine.

Network operating system

Network operating system is an operating system that have components and programs that allow a computer on a network to use other computers data, file systems and printers.


Multitasking is a method to processes miltiple tasks that share a common processing resources (CPU). Multitasking helps by scheduling or make a list of which task may be the one run at a given time and which task may wait.


MS-DOS means MicroSoft Disk Operating System. MS-DOS ws based in personal computers. it was purchased by Microsoft. MS-DOS is an operating system for x86. It was the most commonly used member of the DOS family in all operating systems. it also was the main operating system for personal computers during the and 1990s.

Language translators

A Language translators is a computer program that translates one language into another language without lossing the original meaning.

Graphical user interfaces

the graphical user interface is an item that allows people to interact and work with programs in computers and hand-held devices.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Boot (Computer Definition)

the word boot in computer definition means to start executing or follow instructions. PCs and Macs are built-in instructions in a ROM or flash memory chip. the instructions in the ROM, automatically star on startup. These instructions search for the operating system.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

10 steeps to make coffee.

1. buy coffee beans

2. turn on the coffee maker

3. open the to of the coffee maker

4. put water

5. put the filter

6. put the coffee beans in the filter

7. close the coffee maker

8. conect the cofee maker to the electriciti.

9. wait some time

10. put sugar .

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

what is software?

a software is a computer program or data read and written by a computer. its also know as a application software.