Thursday, February 25, 2010

life without computers. HW

The computers and the technology has changed my lifetime in so many ways, because it make our life more easy. For example, 15 years ago, for you to access to the internet, you had to have a computer. Now, you can access to the internet in your phone in every place.

Something that i note between the kinds of computers that I encountered in grade school compared with computers and computerized devices that I use today is that the computers now are more fast, it have more functions and programs to work with, it also is more easy to learn, and more portable that then.

I ask my parent about how was their life without computer 30 years ago and he answer that the life 30 years ago was so hard because he to write someting, he had to use the typewriter and that if he makes an error, he cant delate the word, he had to write it again, now if you type someting wrong, you just press "backspace" to delate what you write wrong. The computers and the technology make people life more easy.

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